
Sesame Labs

This quest has ended
Ended Apr 13, 2023 at 5:00am
0 started / 2 completed

Sesame Labs

Quest dapp hero
Get early access to the Sesame Labs mobile app!

Discover the best dApps and earn rewards with early access to Sesame Labs mobile app. Claim your spot now!

We're on a mission to enable people and dApps to engage with trust in a decentralized world, and the Sesame Labs mobile app is the next step in our journey. Be among the first to gain access to our upcoming app and earn exclusive rewards from popular games, dApps, NFT collections and more!

We'll be issuing a limited set of 100 early-access NFTs to the winners of this quest that will unlock early access to the Sesame App once it becomes available. These NFTs can be sold for up to $500k if you win but choose to opt out.

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